This week
has been busy, but good. I feel like I got a lot accomplished, but I know I didn't get everything on my list done. Here's how I did:
Spiritual Life
- Read Bible daily (this means planning ahead on days I work and not just expecting I'll be alert enough when I get home) I read most days. I have no excuse for the days I didn't read.
- Be more consistent in praying for requests on my list I prayed every night for a few of the urgent requests. There were a few that I didn't pray about, but should have.
- Continue to work on being more joyful. I'm doing better at this. Still not perfect, but definitely making progress.
Family life
- Play a board game with the kids Check! A rousing game of Chutes and Ladders (that made me think of my laundry chute which I need to post about soon).
- Have kids help with dinner on Thursday after their baseball game Once again, this didn't happen. We were only home to cook on night this week and I was making some stuff that wasn't very kid-friendly.
- Take kids to the dentist (I'm actually sitting in the lobby as I type
this and I'll post it when I get home. Why not get something done while waiting and free up some time
later to get some housework done?) Check! (Obviously.)
Home life
- Try to get all laundry done by the end of the day Wednesday. Well, like I said in another post, it took me until Friday morning. But, it did all get done!
- Clean the bathroom thoroughly All done except the floor. That will have to wait until the kids are in bed or they will just need to go as soon as I mop.
- Sweep basement I actually forgot all about this until I sat down and started typing. But, I did get up, go downstairs, and sweep so that I could come back here and say, "Check!" The stairs still need swept, but I'll have to ask DH to do that. My back just can't handle it after a my marathon laundry session.
- Work more on playroom/schoolroom I didn't get to that this week. This is moving over to my list for next week.
- Go grocery shopping Friday Check!
Church Life
- Plan for Sunday school. I need to try to get the planning done for the
entire 2 months. That will just leave reviewing and praying each week. I'm going to do this tonight.
- Attend church Wednesday Check!
- Set up meeting with the Pastor to talk about Harvest fest. Meeting can be any time in the next couple weeks. I forgot about this, too. Moving it over to next week's list.
Physical Life
- Write down every bite I eat! I'm really struggling with this! I honestly just forget. I think I need someone to ask me every night. I'm going to talk to DH about it.
- Lose at least 1 pound. I lost one this past week and know I can do it again. This one annoys me a little. By Wednesday I had lost a pound. By Thursday, I had gained 3 back! I have no idea what happened. I didn't eat any snacks and I had a sensible breakfast and lunch. My dinner wasn't the greatest, but not bad enough to make me gain 3 lbs!
- Work on sleep schedule. This may mean taking a Tylenol PM when I get
home from work so I don't lay in bed for a couple hours before falling
asleep. I did better when I got home from work and wasn't as tired the next day.
- Drink more water. I need to carry a bottle with me when I go out. I remembered most days.
- Put on makeup every day I did this every day but one.
Social Life
- Go to the Creation Museum with a good friend and her kids. I must be losing it because she didn't ask me to go to the Creation Museum. She asked if we wanted to go to the Museum Center. I don't know how I messed that up! But, we did end up going. The kids had a blast and I got a chance to talk with a good friend.
- Possibly go to dance aerobics with my BFF this week. I'm not sure of her schedule. This didn't happen again. I'm not sure about this week, either.
- Buy a birthday present for a party on Saturday I'm going to stop and pick up a gift card on the way to the party.
Cincinnati Museum Center |
Financial life
- Update budget software daily Check!
- Do not overspend! I did end up having to eat out one day because we just weren't home all day. I should have thought ahead and packed.
- Go to the bank on Friday before grocery shopping Check!
- Pay bills Check!
Mental life
- Read new library books I'm in the middle of the first one, now
- Continue working on blog Check! I'm doing some reading to learn how its all done.
Homeschool Life
- Buy Math curriculum. Grr. I don't think I even looked for it this week. I need to do that ASAP!
- Buy some Five in a Row books Same with this. I at least have an Amazon gift card I can use for this.
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