
Sunday, August 26, 2012

Weekly Goals: 8-26-12

Whew!  What a week I just had!  So many new beginnings.  First, we started school on Wednesday and then I made my big decision yesterday.  Now, I have some more new changes to make!

From the beginning, the reason for this blog has been as a tool to help me in my quest to become the woman that God would have me to be.  In every area of my life.  But, I haven't been very organized about it.  With so many different topics, the whole this has been very haphazard. 

Now, I don't really want to narrow my focus to just one subject, because I need to work on every area of my life, not just one.  But, I do want to be orderly in how I go about it.  So, I'm going to make some organizational changes.

My plan is to set up a schedule and focus on a different goal area and/or topic every day of the week.  Here is what it will look like:

Sunday: Spiritual Life/Church Life & Weekly Goals. 
I plan to do two separate posts - one for my Spiritual Life/Church Life and one for Weekly Goals.  I'm grouping Spiritual Life and Church Life together, not because they are the same thing, but because they are both subjects that I might not have things to share on every week.  Sometimes I have special things going on at church, but not always.  Plus, they do tend to overlap in many ways.

Monday: Menu Plan Monday
This will likely include some recipes, money saving tips, and my search for healthy, good tasting food to help me lose weight.

Tuesday: Home Life
On this day I'll focus on homemaking.

Wednesday: Homeschool Life
Lesson plans, school organization, and field trips will all be covered on Wednesdays.

Thursday: Family Life/Social Life
Once again, I'm pairing some categories together.  These are two other categories that tend to overlap.

Friday: Financial Life/Mental Life/Work Life
These are my final pair-ups.  So far, I having had much to share in the last two categories, so it seems fitting they would be paired up with something I have more to say about.

Saturday: Physical Life & Weekly Review
Once again, these will be two separate posts.  Saturdays will be the day that I post an update on my weight loss journey.  I will also do a quick review of my weekly goals.

So, there you have it.  My new blogging schedule.  If something important comes up, I'm flexible enough to post about it even if it isn't the regularly scheduled day.  But, for the most part I plan to stick with this.  I'll tweak it as needed.  My goal is really just to give more order to a blog full of various topics.

Now, on with this week's goals!  Like always, the goals with a * are ones that I need to work on from last week.

Spiritual Life

  • *Read Bible daily. 
  • Be consistent in praying for requests on my list

Family life

  • Not much time for anything this week.  Sadly, it is going to be a full week!


Home life

  • Finish all laundry! Even though laundry day is officially on Monday, I am starting it today.  Between school and work, I wouldn't have time to finish it tomorrow.
  • Clean kitchen
  • *Clean off my desk
  • *Wipe down bathroom daily 
  • Finish gathering everything for the yard sale on Saturday!
    • Take everything to my parents'
    • Get tables
    • Make signs
    • Go to bank and get change
    • Get permit from the city
    • Post on Craig's List


Church Life

  • Attend church Wednesday
  • *Call and schedule meeting with Pastor about Harvest Fest

Physical Life

  • *Measure all foods to make sure I am eating the correct portion.  
  • *Track every bite I eat.
  • Lose at least 1 pound. 
  • Try to get to bed by 10:30 every night I don't work, 12:15 on the nights I do.  
  • Drink at least two bottles (refillable bottles, not disposable!) of water/day. 
  • Put on makeup every day
  • *Stay more active throughout the day.  I know I won’t have time to actually exercise, but I can stay active!

Social Life

  • No time for socializing, either!

Financial life

  • Update budget software daily
  • Do not overspend!
  • Pay bills  
  • Plan budget for next month and have a budget meeting with DH. 
  • Finish Yard Sale plans

Mental life

  • Continue working on blog  
  • Teach

Homeschool Life

  • *Print out materials
  • Gather all materials for first-day science experiment
  • Introduce the rest of our subjects.


Work Life 

  • Work on Monday, Tuesday, and Friday.

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