
Monday, July 30, 2012

Weekly Goals: 7-29-12

Well, I'm a day late, but I'm here!  Yesterday was so busy.  We had church in the morning where I taught Sunday School and then learned a lot from the sermon.  Then, the kids had their last baseball game of the summer.  After the game, we had to eat (we were starving by then!) and rush home to get ready for family pictures.  I'll post some of the pictures later today.

By the time I got home last night I did nothing but crash on the couch from exhaustion!  But, I'm back now and I'll post this week's goals.  I'm putting an * next to the ones that I need to improve on from last week.

I'm adding a new category this week: Work Life.  My best friend and I are doing well on our Teacher's Pay Teacher's store, but we really need to get more stuff up on the site.  So, I have to set some goals for myself and get to it!

Also, this week is going to be a little crazy.  My husband and I are headed to an out of town wedding on Saturday and spending the night.  So, my parents decided to take the kids to Gatlinburg!  They are leaving early Saturday and won't be home until Tuesday.  So, I have lots of packing to do to prepare.

Spiritual Life

  • *Read Bible daily.  I am going to plan our when to read and put it on my calendar this week.
  • Be more consistent in praying for requests on my list
  • *Continue to work on being more joyful. 

Family life

  • Help kids prepare for their vacation.
  • Pack for DH and I


Home life

  • Finish all laundry on Monday
  • Clean bathroom on Monday
  • Clean off my desk
  • *Wipe down bathroom daily
  • *Vacuum steps
  • Work more on playroom/schoolroom 


Church Life

  • Pray for my Sunday School class while I'm away.  Our pastor's wife is teaching this week, so I know they are in good hands!
  • Attend church Wednesday
  • *Set up meeting with the Pastor to talk about Harvest fest.  Meeting can be any time in the next couple weeks.

Physical Life

  • *Write down every bite I eat!  
  • Lose at least 1 pound. 
  • *Try to get to bed by 11:30 every night.
  • *Drink more water. 
  • *Put on makeup every day
  • *Exercise at least one day
(Can you tell I have lots of work to do in this area?)

Social Life

  • Attend wedding on Saturday

Financial life

  • *Update budget software daily
  • *Do not overspend! (I went over a little on my grocery budget and really need to watch it!) 
  • Pay bills 
  • *Have budget meeting with DH on Monday

Mental life

  • Read second library book
  • Renew library books
  • Continue working on blog  

Homeschool Life

  • *Buy Math curriculum. 
  • *Buy some Five in a Row books 
  • *Plan the calendar for the coming school year.


Work Life

  • Make at least one new worksheet packet to send to Kathy for review
  • Start at least one other packet

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