
Saturday, July 28, 2012

Week in Review: 7-22-12

Here's how I did on my goals this week:

Spiritual Life

  • Read Bible daily (this means planning ahead on days I work and not just expecting I'll be alert enough when I get home) I didn't read every day.  I think I need to actually figure out a schedule for reading every day since I'm not always able to do it at the same time everyday.
  • Be more consistent in praying for requests on my list  I really focused on this and was much more consistent.
  • Continue to work on being more joyful.  I did much better this week.  But, I do have to admit to one crying episode.  But, it was brought on by something, not spontaneous like it has been in the past, and it was short.  Just a few tears.

Family life

  • Have kids help with dinner on Monday night. I'm not sure it was Monday, but they did help one night.
  • To to the movies with my DH  Check!
  • Buy my mom a birthday present  She decided she wanted us to chip in for a digital camera


Home life

  • Finish all laundry on Monday.  I did all but one load on Monday because I missed it.  I finished that one another day.
  • Wipe down bathroom daily  Oops.
  • Vacuum steps  Oops, again.
  • Work more on playroom/schoolroom  Check!


Church Life

  • Pray for Sunday School Check!
  • Attend church Wednesday Check!
  • Set up meeting with the Pastor to talk about Harvest fest.  Meeting can be any time in the next couple weeks.  Grr. Forgot again.  I really need to call first thing Monday.

Physical Life

  • Write down every bite I eat!  I didn't do this again.  I really need to remember to talk to DH about holding me accountable.
  • Lose at least 1 pound. I actually lost 4!  I really don't know what happened.  Two weeks ago, I lost a pound.  The next week I gained 4 practically overnight.  But, then I lost those 4 pounds this week, putting me right back where I was two weeks ago.  I'd say it was just a bad reading on my scale, but it read that way for three days straight before going back down.  Weird!
  • Try to get to bed by 11:30 every night.  I think I did them all but two nights.  One night I worked until 11:30.  This was a last minute shift change, so I honestly thought I'd be able to do this this week.  The other day, I stayed up and spent time with DH.
  • Drink more water. I didn't do as well on this this week as I have the last two.
  • Put on makeup every day  Not everyday, but most days.
  • Exercise at least one day Does walking up and down the stair a ton of times on Monday count?

Social Life

  • Possibly go to dance aerobics with my BFF this week.  I'm not sure of her schedule. Didn't happen.
  • Message another friend. Check.

Financial life

  • Update budget software daily I forgot to do this today, but I'll head over when I'm done here.
  • Do not overspend!  I went a little over-budget with groceries.  This is where I have the hardest time!
  • Pay bills Check!
  • Finalize draft of next months budget Check!
  • Have budget meeting with DH  I still need to have him sit down and go over it with me.

Mental life

  • Read new library books I finished one of them today!
  • Continue working on blog   Check!

Homeschool Life

  • Buy Math curriculum. I'm working on it, I really am.  I'm searching for used curriculum because it is much cheaper.  If I don't find something by next week, I'll order it new.
  • Buy some Five in a Row books I'm waiting to see if I can get the used curriculum with my Amazon card, first.
  • Plan the calendar for the coming school year. I still need to do this.  I have a general idea.  I just need to sit down and make it official.

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