
Monday, October 1, 2012

Menu Plan Monday: What a Week!

Wow!  This past week has been crazy!  First, I was scheduled to work Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday evenings.  Then, the kids got a cold.  Finally, on Friday, that cold caught up with me and I was sick until yesterday.  I even had to call off work on Friday!

With all of this craziness, I haven't posted anything in a week!  Things have been hit-and-miss for the last couple of weeks and just completely "miss" this past week.  But, I promise I'm not going anywhere.  This post is going to be a bit of a catch-up post as well as my weekly menu plan.

I have been working on some new routines.  Not cleaning habits.  I'm still stuck on the first cleaning habit I've been working on since August.  (Oh, my!  I was shocked when I went to look for that post and found that I started that in August!  Where is the blushing emoticon when you need it?  I am so embarrassed that I am having such a hard time with such a simple concept like cleaning off my kitchen counter every day!)  Rather, these are routine changes.  I'm trying to implement an afternoon routine that includes cleaning and my quiet time.  I started it last week and liked the results - until I got sick.  Not only was I able to get a lot done around the house.  But, I think I may have figured out how to ensure that I get to spend time in God's Word everyday.  I'll talk more about that, later!

I've also updated my weight loss chart.  I'm losing weight slowly, but surely.  I'm happy with the progress Ive made in the midst of such stress, craziness, and sickness.  But, I need to step it up.  I'll be writing more about that later, too.

Finally, for the task of the day - my menu plan.  This is the simple part since I already had it planned out!  I'm loving my rotating menu plans.   It took a lot of work to set up, but is going to save me a ton of time from now on.

Ricky's Lunch
Grilled Cheese
Crockpot chicken, mashed potatoes, green beans, rolls
Sugar Cookies
Sub Sandwich, Chips, Apple Sauce, Fiber Bar
Scrambled eggs, Toast
Corn dogs, veggies
Tacos, re-fried beans
Cinnamon Tortillas
Lean Cuisine Pizza, Yogurt, Fiber Bar, Chips
Strawberry Smoothie
English muffin pizza
Chicken casserole, bread
Sugar Cookies

Homemade donuts
Quesadillas/salad, potato
Sausage, shells & Cheese, Mashed potatoes, bread
Peanut butter pie
Healthy Choice?, Yogurt, Fiber Bar, Chips
Peanut butter sandwiches/leftovers
Spaghetti & Meatballs, Salad, Garlic bread
Sugar Cookies
Tuna Salad, Toast
Oatmeal/Strawberry Smoothie
Spaghetti O’s/Ravioli
Chicken noodle soup, bread
Peanut butter pie
Sub Sandwich, Chips, Apple Sauce, Fiber Bar
Sausage Biscuits
Popcorn chicken, veggies, french fries
Breakfast: Sausage links, scrambled eggs, fried potatoes, toast
Cinnamon crescent rolls

I went on my Aldi shopping trip yesterday and was horrified to find that they had moved everything around on me!  It's all still there, but it took a lot longer to find the things I needed.  Change is so hard!  But, I'll get used to it.

I'm linking up again over at I'm an Organizing Junkie for this week's Menu Plan Monday.

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