As I said yesterday, this was a busy week. Weeks like this tend to stress me out and make me retreat a little. I'm learning not to do this, but to charge ahead. But, I still need work. Here's how I did this week.
Spiritual Life
*Read Bible daily. I am going to plan our when to read and put it on my calendar this week. I forgot to put in on my calendar. But, I still managed to read most days. I'm going to try putting it on my calendar again.
*Be more consistent in praying for requests on my list Check
Family life
Kids get home tonight! (Tuesday) I was so happy to see them!
Play at least one board game with the kids Didn't happen. But, I did make them a tent to sleep in tonight and was told I was "the best mom ever." Does that count?
Home life Can I go ahead and confess that pretty much nothing in this area got done this week? Like I talked about yesterday, something had to give this week. Sadly, since I already really dislike housework, it is easy to let this be the area that I slack in when things get crazy.
Finish all laundry (it will probably be Wednesday before it is all
done because I work until 8:00 tonight and the kids will be bringing
home dirty laundry) I have to confess. The laundry didn't get done this week. But, I am going to do it all tomorrow. It is nice to know that, even though I have to do more to catch up, we can survive just fine if I'm having a busy week.
Clean off my
desk. It is mostly clean from last week. But, it is starting to
collect stuff again. I need to make sure everything gets to its real
home. Didn't happen.
*Wipe down bathroom daily Nope
*Vacuum steps Uh-uh
Work more on playroom/schoolroom. This week I need to work on our new calendar. Squat.
Church Life
Prepare to teach Sunday School Check!
Attend church Wednesday and sing a solo. This means finding music and practicing! Check!
*Set up meeting with the Pastor to talk about Harvest fest. Meeting can be any time in the next couple weeks. I need to call him to actually get it on the books, but I did let him know I need to meet with him.
Physical Life
*Write down every bite I eat! Nope. But, I did do better just by simply having a menu plan this week. I normally plan dinners, but with the advice of Kate Megill from Teaching What is Goodin her e-book, Cut it Out! How I Feed my Family of 10 for $500 a Month Without Coupons, I also started planning my breakfast and lunch. So, even though I haven't been writing down what I eat after I eat it, I have a pretty good idea of what I've eaten all week. For snacks I generally just each a few pretzels, some carrots, or some low-fat popcorn. So, I actually did really well this week!
Lose at least 1 pound. I actually lost 2 lbs! Woo hoo!
*Try to get to bed by 11:30 every night I don't work, 12:15 on the nights I do. Well, I was at a birthday party until almost midnight last night and now I can't sleep. But, I haven't done horrible in this area.
*Drink more water. I didn't do so great with this one.
*Put on makeup every day After writing about this on Thursday, I've done really well. It really does make a difference.
*Exercise at least one day Not so much.
Social Life
Attend wedding on Saturday (Another one. This one is local.) Check
I also attended a birthday party for a friend of my hubby.
Financial life
*Update budget software daily I might have missed a couple days.
*Do not overspend! (I went over a little on my grocery budget and really need to watch it!) Better, but I still need to be careful.
Pay bills Check!
Mental life
Return the one library book. I'm doing this this week, I promise. I just hadn't finished it, yet and really wanted to. I'm a learning a lot from this book!
Download the book I'm currently reading. I've just been reading the hardcopy.
Continue working on blog Check
Homeschool Life
*Buy Math curriculum. I'm doing this tomorrow, I promise!
*Buy some Five in a Row books This, too!
Start printing off resources for lessons. I have a few things downloaded to my computer, but my printer has been acting up. Hubby got me a can of condensed air to see if it just needs a good cleaning.
Work Life
Complete worksheet Kathy sent me. I've worked on it, but I have it on my list for tomorrow to finish it and send it back to her.
Continue working on the other packet. I've done a little bit more. But, it still isn't finished.
Go to work on Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday Check.
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