
Wednesday, August 15, 2012

School Starts When?!

How did the summer go by so fast?  I just can’t believe that our first day of school is in just one week!  Yikes!

There is still so much that I have to do to prepare.  I haven’t even made the pieces of our new calendar yet, much less actually put it up.  I also still have to clean out our workboxes from the end of last year.  I honestly haven’t touched them since we ended school in June.  I have copies to make and lesson plans to write.  I’m even still waiting on our math curriculum for this year to arrive.

Basically I am a disorganized mess.  But, I have one week to get it all together and have things ready for school to start.  Pray for me as I plow my way through it all.  Ready…set…go!

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