
Friday, August 17, 2012

On the Run!

I didn't post anything yesterday because I got so caught up in school planning that I just plain forgot.  Now, I have to be on the run all day today and won't have time for a "real" post.  I feel like such a slacker!

But, in all honesty, I've accomplished a lot.  I have lots of school stuff done, I worked a bit more on my rotating menus, and updated my price book.  I also did some cleaning around the house.  And today, I am headed out for a play date at a friend's house and I'll leave straight from there to drop the kids off with my parents and go to work. 

It all comes back to the idea of priorities and balance.  In order to fit everything into my busy life, sometimes things have to be put aside for a short time.  I promise I'm not giving up on blogging!  I'm holding to my commitment.  But, for this week, I have had to focus a bit less on writing and more on school, housework, and friends.

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