
Friday, November 2, 2012

A New Goal

This week I worked on Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday evenings and I will work again tonight.  Wednesday wasn't much less busy with trick-or-treating.  Needless to say, I'm worn out!  Working (even part-time) while homeschooling and running a home is hard.  So often, I feel like something just has to give!

I've done a lot of wishing and hoping and praying over the last few year that I might be able to once again be a stay-at-home mom, able to concentrate on my home and my family.  I admit that, most of the time, it feels pretty hopeless.  After all, we have debt that needs be paid off and that is a three-year goal.  My kids will be 10 years old by then!

Finally, after lots of prayer, I think God may have given me a solution.  No, He didn't drop a bunch of money in our laps and, no, this isn't something that will allow me to quit my job tomorrow.  But, I think He has shown a way for me to actively work toward this goal of being a stay-at-home mom.

About four months ago, my best friend and I started a Teacher's Pay Teacher's store.  We put a few things up for sale and started several more.  But, between both of our busy schedules,  we've only managed to get five things complete and on the site to sell.

Then we got our first check a couple of weeks ago.  It isn't a ton of money, but my cut will certainly help with Christmas!  I began to really think of the possibilities this site provides and how, with enough work, we might make enough to pay off all our debt in half the time and allow me to come home and be with my kids sooner.

Kindergarten, First, Second, Third, Fourth, Fifth -

So, I'm determined to grow our store.  Will double the products equal double the money?  I don't know, but I'd love to find out!  That is my goal for November - to double the amount of products we have available.  This means creating five new packets this month. 

Since we already have several of them started, it should be a goal that is easily reached.  We are planning to take at least one whole Saturday and working on our packets to get them perfected before offering them for sale.  The last thing we want is to offer quickly slapped together work!  I'll find a babysitter so we can work all day to put together the best work we can. 

Many people have earned thousands of dollars by creating content for Teacher's Pay Teachers.  Content that they know works because they have used it with their own kids - both in the classroom and at home.  Many teachers - both public school, private school, and homeschool - have created many of their own materials for years because they knew they could do better than the commercial options.  Now, they have a way to share these creations with other teachers and earn money while doing it.  It truly is win-win!  I'm excited to be a part of it and to continue to grow our store!

By the end of this month, I plan to have at least five more items for sale in our store.  Hopefully, if we plan for the beginning of December, we may be able to do the same next month.  Please keep me in your prayers as I work toward this goal of staying home with my children!

If there are any other stay-at-home moms out there who have found a way to add to their family's finances, I would love to hear from you!

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