
Saturday, October 20, 2012

Week in Review: 10/14/12

I feel like I actually got most of what I wanted accomplished done this week.  My house is looking pretty good (I really need to clean my bedroom, though), we got through a whole unit in math in three days with the kids knowing the material well, and I got to spend some time with my family and friends.  But, there are still a few things I need to work on.  We had sickness make its way through our family again and I let that be an excuse to not do some things.  Here's how I did on my goals (results in blue):

Spiritual Life

  • *Read Bible daily.  I did better on this thanks to my afternoon experiment.  But, I let sickness get in the way of complete consistency.
  • Be consistent in praying for requests on my list.  I admit, I didn't do the greatest job on this, this week.
    • Write in prayer journal and update regularly

Family life

  • Continue working with kids on implementing an afternoon quiet time and concentrated cleaning time  This is going so much smoother than I thought it would!  I love the results of these new parts of our routine.
  • Take kids to birthday party on Saturday We're headed there this afternoon!

Home life

  • Finish all laundry on Monday.  I didn't plan ahead and I ran out of laundry soap.  I had to wait until Wednesday to go to the store so I could make more since DD was sick on Tuesday.  It never did all get done.  So, I'll have a few extra loads this coming week.
    • Start Sunday night
    • Set timer and change over every hour
  • Clean off counters every day  I did a pretty good job on this!  My kitchen has been looking so go and I'm so happy.  I think it has to do with being so excited about my upcoming kitchen makeover!
  • Have 30 minutes of concentrated cleaning every afternoon Once, again, I let sickness be an excuse on a few days.

Church Life

  • Attend church Wednesday We didn't get to go because DD was sick with a fever until Tuesday night.  I didn't want to risk making anyone else sick.

Physical Life

  • *Measure all foods to make sure I am eating the correct portion. I did better, but not great
  • *Track every bite I eat. Same here
  • Lose at least 1 pound. Obviously not
  • Drink at least two bottles (refillable bottles, not disposable!) of water/day. I think I did okay on this, but I didn't really pay attention
  • Earn at least 15 activity points this week. Check!
  • Take vitamins every day Check!
  • Try to get to bed by 10:30 every night Umm...not so much
  • Put on makeup every day I didn't put it on the days I wasn't feeling well.  I probably should have.  It might have made me feel a little better.

Social Life

  • Shopping with my BFF Check
  • Birthday party on Saturday  Headed there this afternoon

Financial life

  • Update budget software daily  Not every day.  But, I did work on the budget this week
  • Do not overspend! We had a car emergency come up that had to come out of the emergency fund.  So, we have to do a little rebuilding there.
  • Pay bills  Check

Mental life

  • Continue working on blog  Check
  • Teach Check

Homeschool Life

  • Print out materials Check

Work Life 

  • Work on Tuesday Check

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