
Friday, September 14, 2012

A Review and my First Giveaway!!!

A few weeks ago I was contacted and asked to review the first video in a a new video devotional series called True Beauty: Finding Your Identity in Jesus (David C Cook/Flannel, September 2012), by Lisa Chan.  I was thrilled!  That someone out there had seen my blog and actually wanted to use me to help reach others with their message shocked me.  Why would the choose my rinky-dink blog who almost no one in the world reads?

Then, I watched the video.  That is when I realized that it wasn't the production company or the advertising agency that had chosen me to review this devotional.  It was God.  I could practically hear Him whispering, "Stacy, this is for you," as I watched it.

The first devotional in the series is called Be Still and is all about finding time to spend alone with Christ in the midst of our busy lives.  If you have read my blog at all, you know that this is something I really struggle with.

In fact, I have been putting off watching this video for a couple of weeks, with Monday as the deadline for posting this review, because I have been too busy to get around to it.  Despite the fact that I was excited about this opportunity, I just couldn't seem to find the time to watch the video and compose my thoughts about it.  Tonight, I came home and wanted to just crash on the couch.  But, I knew that I had to watch the video and write about it.

I admit that I wasn't that excited about it.  I was tired.  I needed to cook dinner.  I wanted to relax.  But, it needed to be done.

Obviously, I wasn't going into this with the most ready and open heart.  But, as Lisa retold the story of Martha, the busy woman, and her sister Mary who sat at the feet of Christ, I began to realize that she was speaking to me.  She spoke of how, if Christ walked into the room, we would know that we should sit and listen to Him.  Yet, as Christians, we have that very same Christ living in our heart in a very real way, and we never chose to just be still in His presence and sit at His feet.

With tears rolling down my face, I was reminded of all the things that I chose to do during my day.  From watching TV to playing on Pinterest, my day is filled with opportunities where I could be alone with my Lord.  It may only be for a few moments.  But, those stolen moments could mean so much difference in eternity!

I am so happy to recommend this devotional to you, my dear readers.  I pray that it will touch your heart, and convict your soul as it did mine.  I am greatly looking forward to watching the rest of this series and am excited to be a part of this wonderful ministry in even this small way.

I've included the trailer below so you can learn more.

As a part of this review, I have a copy of True Beauty: Be Still to give away!

Choose some or all of the options below to earn entries.  You can also Tweet about it every day to earn more entries.  You have to enter your Facebook or email so that I can contact you if you win.  Because I am so late in getting to this, the giveaway ends at midnight Sunday (9/16) night.  So, please help me get the word out!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Disclosure: While I am receiving a copy of True Beauty: Be Still as a party of this review, the thoughts expressed are my own and I have been completely honest in my review.

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