
Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Weekly Goals: 8-19-12

If you’ve read any of my recent posts, you know that we start our first day of homeschool on Wednesday.  I always try to direct a lot of my focus onto school the first week.  This helps make a smoother transition from the unstructured days of summer to the more structured days of school.  We tend to ease into things the first week.  But, we will still have lots to do! 

The kids are in “2nd grade” this year, but grades really don’t mean that much when you homeschool.  At least they don’t for us.  I try to work at the kids’ pace.  So, with some things they are at the same level as the public schoolers, but with some things, they are ahead.  I try to never let them get behind, though.  If they struggle with a certain concept or lesson, we work hard until they really have it down!

Anyway, this week is going to be largely focused on getting started with our new school year.  So, most other things are taking a backseat this week.


Spiritual Life

  • *Read Bible daily.  Planning ahead is going to become more important once school starts.  We do Bible lessons in school everyday, but I don’t want to neglect my own personal study time.
  • Be consistent in praying for requests on my list

Family life

  • Make rice krispy treats and brownies with the kids
  • Take my cousin and his girlfriend who are visiting from Wisconsin to the zoo on Tuesday
  • Make invitations for the kids’ birthday party and deliver them to our church friends


Home life

  • *Finish all laundry!
  • Clean kitchen
  • *Clean off my desk
  • *Wipe down bathroom daily
  • *Vacuum steps
  • *Work more on playroom/schoolroom.  It needs to be ready by Wednesday!


Church Life

  • Attend church Wednesday
  • *Call and schedule meeting with Pastor about Harvest Fest

Physical Life

  • Focus on portion sizes and not getting seconds (or thirds)
  • Lose at least 1 pound. 
  • Try to get to bed by 10:30 every night I don't work, 12:15 on the nights I do.  
  • Drink at least two bottles (refillable bottles, not disposable!) of water/day. 
  • Put on makeup every day
  • Stay more active throughout the day.  I know I won’t have time to actually exercise, but I can stay active!

Social Life

  • Other than the zoo trip with my cousin and his girlfriend, I’m not going to have much time for socializing this week!

Financial life

  • *Update budget software daily
  • *Do not overspend!
  • Pay bills 

Mental life

  • Continue working on blog  
  • Teaching is going to provide the rest of my mental stimulation this week!  I always learn things when I’m teaching.

Homeschool Life

  • Finish planning the first month
  • Print out materials
  • Gather all materials for first-day science experiment
  • Create or find an age-appropriate lesson plan
  • Make new workbox schedules (I’m trying something different this year)
  • First day of school!
  • Help the kids get back into the swing of things and develop a routine


Work Life

Work on Monday (I’m there now ;) )

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